
Oscar Barbery ha sabido desplazar sus inquietudes fotográficas a terrenos fangosos, conversando con algunas nociones de ese cuerpo blando que ya se asomaba en sus primeros retratos, y que hoy se desparraman en materialidad. 

Un cuerpo blando no es un cuerpo que carezca de estructura; es un cuerpo cuya piel y estructura están en diálogo, están poniéndose de acuerdo sobre algunos temas-, y Oscar a la vez que guía la conversación, da espacio para el desplome.

Arcilla, fotografía y video se van trenzando, como persiguiendo una receta antigua que busca dar vida a un muñeco fragmentado.

El accidente, el humor y la posibilidad de reinterpretación de cada pieza devienen fundamentales en el trabajo del artista.

Oscar Barbery has been able to shift his photographic concerns to muddy terrain, conversing with some notions of the soft body that already appeared in his first portraits, and which today are spread out in materiality.

A soft body is not a body that lacks structure; it is a body whose skin and structure are in dialogue, they are agreeing on some issues – and Oscar, while guiding the conversation, gives space for the collapse.

Clay, photography and video are woven together, as if pursuing an ancient recipe that seeks to give life to a fragmented doll.

Accident, humour and the possibility of reinterpreting each piece become fundamental in the artist’s work.

Camila Alegría, Curator of contemporary art, Santiago – Chile


oscar barbery, ceramics, sculpture, photography, video, contemporary art,
Oscar Guido Barbery, born in Córdoba – Argentina, lives and works between Barcelona, España and Rimini, Italy


2021 – Contemporary Sculpture, International museum of ceramics – Faenza Art Ceramic Center, Faenza, IT

2017 – 2019. Ceramics, La Industrial School of Art, Barcelona, SP.

2016 – 2017. Master in Contemporary Artistic Creation, UB, Barcelona, SP.

2002 – 2007. Bachelor of Social Communication, National University of Córdoba, AR.

2005 – 2007. Photography, Faculty of cinema and visual arts, National University of Córdoba, AR.

2004 – 2006. Studies on Creative Photography, El Germinador Photo school, Córdoba, AR.



2019. – At the end of the work, Association of Ceramists of Catalonia, Barcelona, SP.

2019. – Authority and reflection, Nube Gallery, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2018. – Curators, Manzana UNO, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2017. – MA, Cabildo, Córdoba, AR.

2017. – All eyes on Bolivia, National Museum of Art, La Paz, BO.

2017. – On the river, Pere Pruna, Barcelona, SP.

2015. – Curators, Manzana UNO, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2014. – 100X100, A Gallery of Art, Zaragoza, SP.

2013. – Unstable Territories, VIII International Art Biennial (SIART), La Paz, BO.

2013. – Abre Alas, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, BR.

2013. – Recíproco / Reciprocal, CCSC, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2012. – La Candelaria, MAC, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. BO.

2012. – New Brasil Bolivia Now, Galería Marta Traba, San Pablo, BR.

2012. – Living Nature, CCSC, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2011. – Bolivian Contemporany Artists, DOT FIFTYONE, Miami, US.

2010. – International Biennial of Art La Paz (Retrospective), MAC, Santiago, CH.

2010. – International Biennial of Art La Paz (Retrospective), EAC, Montevideo, UY.

2010. – Zoom Bicentennial, Fundación Centro Simón I. Patiño, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2010. – Cruceño Photographers, Nota Gallery, La Paz, BO.

2010. – The garden of mobile stocks, KIOSKO, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2010. – Miamicito, Kiosko – DOT FIFTYONE, Miami, US.

2009. – Less time than place, Goethe Institut, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO

2009. – Cruceño Contemporary Art, CCSC, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. BO.

2009. – CAM4, Alianza Francesa, La Paz, BO.



2016. – Eve María Zimmermann Award, International Biennial of Contemporary Art, Tenerife, ES.

2013. – Selected Project, Abre Alas, A Gentil Carioca, Río de Janeiro, BR.

2012. – Selected Project, CCSC, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2012. – Honorable Mention, XVIII biennial of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2010. – Honorable Mention, XVII biennial of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.

2009. – Bolivia Award, SIART International Art Biennial, La Paz, ES.

2009. – Selected Project, KIOSKO, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO.


Work in collection

– National Museum of Art, La Paz, BO.

– Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), Santa Cruz de La Sierra, BO.

– Marta Traba Gallery, San Pablo, BR.

– International Art Fair (SIART), La Paz, BO.


Published work

– Simoné Malacchini, Stefania Malacchini. 2021. OJO ANDINO BOLIVIA Bolivian Contemporary Artists, Treviso, IT. Imago Mundi.

– Santiago García Navarro. 2019. CORROSIÓN Y ANOMALÍA: escenas del arte contemporáneo boliviano, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO. Kiosko Galería.

– Paola Campuzano de Haverkamp. 2017. MADE IN BOLIVIA VOL 2, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BO. Kiosko Galería.

– Paco Rallo. 2015. TRAS LA HUELLA DE SADE, Zaragoza, ES. PR – Ediciones.

– Sandra Boulanger. 2012. FOTOGRAFÍA BOLIVIANA, La Paz, BO. Acción Cultural.


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