Tres volúmenes

clay sculpture
white wall sculpture
wall sculpture
organic sculpture
Modern sculpture
Abstract Sculpture
triptychs wall art
suggestive artwork
sensual abstract artwork
handmade sculpture
contemporary ceramic sculpture

clay sculpture
white wall sculpture
wall sculpture
organic sculpture
Modern sculpture
Abstract Sculpture
triptychs wall art
suggestive artwork
sensual abstract artwork
handmade sculpture
contemporary ceramic sculpture

Three volumes on the wall (triptych), 100 x 23,5 x 10.5 cm, ceramic sculpture, Oscar Barbery, 2020

clay sculpture
white wall sculpture
wall sculpture
organic sculpture
Modern sculpture
Abstract Sculpture
triptychs wall art
suggestive artwork
sensual abstract artwork
handmade sculpture
contemporary ceramic sculpture

Escultura de tres cuerpos evocando a formas orgánicas a través de una relación entre distintos volúmenes y soportes. Las piezas de cerámica fueron moldeadas a mano con una arcilla blanca y flexible, bruñidas con piedra y cocidas a una temperatura de 1050º  la disposición en pared remiten a la unidad de la escultura, con la idea de que esta flote de manera vertical en el espacio

Three-body sculpture evoking organic forms through a relationship between different volumes and supports. The ceramic pieces were moulded by hand from a white, flexible clay, burnished with stone and fired at a temperature of 1050º. The arrangement on the wall refers to the unity of the sculpture, with the idea that it floats vertically in space

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Tre corpi diversi, Oscar Barbery, sculpture, ceramics
Outside, Oscar Barbery, ceramics, 2021
Dos, Oscar Barbery, sculpture, ceramics