
Ceramic installation, Bruno Rojo – Oscar Barbery, 2019

Oscar Barbery, ceramic installation, ceramics sculpture, ceramic coils, abstract sculpture,  contemporary ceramic sculpture,  contemporary ceramic
Oscar Barbery, ceramic installation, ceramics sculpture, ceramic coils, abstract sculpture,  contemporary ceramic sculpture,  contemporary ceramic
Oscar Barbery, ceramic installation, ceramics sculpture, ceramic coils, abstract sculpture,  contemporary ceramic sculpture,  contemporary ceramic

Tótem, 54 x 210 x 41.5 cm, installation, Bruno Rojo – Oscar Barbery, 2019

Un conjunto de esculturas en cerámica se adjuntan al mobiliario compuesto por mesa y banco, que funcionan como pedestal y soporte. Las piezas en cerámica pertenecen a diferentes periodos y están realizadas con técnicas distintas. Sus formas curvas y orgánicas se adhieren fácilmente a la estructura rígida de la mesa y el banco, formando un volumen vertical que acumula objetos industriales y piezas escultóricas realizadas a mano

A set of ceramic sculptures are attached to the furniture consisting of a table and bench, which function as a pedestal and support. The ceramic pieces belong to different periods and are made using different techniques. Their curved, organic forms adhere easily to the rigid structure of the table and bench, forming a vertical volume that accumulates industrial objects and handmade sculptural pieces.


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